Enter a product name or keyword, then click the search button.

Etsy Keyword List (0 Keywords)


Enter keyword (seed word or phrase) in the text field above, then click

Etsy Keyword Tool. The basics.

Etsy Keyword Tool - Keyword Tool Dominator


The Etsy Keyword Tool uses Etsy's Autocomplete service to find popular long tail keywords directly from Etsy. What is Etsy's Autocomplete service?

Etsy's Autocomplete Service

Etsy's Autocomplete service (example shown above) is a technical term used for the search suggestions you see when searching for items on Etsy. This service is intended to speed up your search interaction by trying to predict what you are searching for on Etsy.

Here is the AMAZING thing!

These suggestions are predictions based on the most popular search terms related to what is being typed in the search box. And the best part is, these predictions (suggestions) are from real people and real Etsy customers. Therefore, Etsy is telling you exactly what search terms (keywords) are the most popular. No more guess work, period.

Keyword Tool Dominator - Unlocking Autocomplete

Keyword Tool Dominator unlocks the Autocomplete service by emulating a real human user, and repeatedly typing in hundreds of search terms into Etsy. Each time a search term is typed, Etsy provides a list of predictions (keywords and long tail keywords) of what it thinks you are searching for. Keyword Tool Dominator then simply saves all of these predictions and presents them to you.

If you are trying to find long tail keywords for any type of product or service, the Etsy Keyword Tool is an AWESOME addition to any major search engine optimization tool.

How to use the Etsy Keyword Tool - It's Really Simple


Enter a product name, product category, or keyword in the textbox above, then click the search button.

Try entering a keyword that you are interested in. Something like: wedding topper, candles, suncatchers, or wreaths, etc.


Keyword Tool Dominator will start typing search terms into Etsy using the search term you provided. The corresponding keyword predictions are then listed in the "Keyword Results" panel.


Select the keywords you want to move to "Your Keyword List" panel on the right (by default all the keywords are selected). Once selected, click the "Add Selected to Your Keyword List" button to add the keywords to the "Your Keyword List" panel.


Once you have a nice list of long tail keywords, you can download the keywords in a .CSV file by clicking the "Download Selected Keywords" button. With the list of keywords in a .CSV file you can easily import these keywords into another tool of your choice. You can also import the keywords into Keyword Planner to get the search volume and other data from Google Adwords.


Lastly, use the keywords in your Etsy listings or any other website content.

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